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Tuesday, 25 February 2014

God's Calling [HELL] - Step by step

How to clear God's Calling Hell Difficulty.

Entry Requirements:
  • Level: 50
  • Entry: Hell Ticket: God's Calling

  • Nether Spiritshard - used to exchange for 54 Perfect armor parts.
  • Nether Soulshard - used to exchange for 54 Perfect armor parts.
  • Remodelling Spellpage
  • *Ultimate Fury Skill book Perfect Grade*
  • Skillbook dealer might spawn after Stage 5!

Note: I do not recommend soloing until level 60 and decent gear, however, it also depends on your class.

Important: Keep in mind you can only ressurect 3 times!

  1. Start by collecting Hell Piece: God's Calling, you will need 20 pieces to exchange into Hell Ticket: God's Calling(which is character bound).
  2. You can exchange tickets at Portal Mage.
  3. Okay, you are ready to go, select God's Calling[HELL] and click start.
  4. Stage 1: In the first Stage in God's Calling you have to kill 2 Dust monsters and 1 Statue, the only thing you need to be carefull is statue's jump attack and Dust monsters can throw you away just buy moving their ugly head a little bit, watch out for that.
  5. Stage 2: This stage is a bit complicated because of statue's throw shout attack(he can throw you off the map = losing a lot of health). However, first you have to attack Knatos and when he is almost dead he awakens the statue. At this point statue has high defense, so you have to finish off Knatos first, thats when Statue loses his defense, but Dust monsters spawn. When dust monsters are near the statue, statue will perform shout attact. There are two ways of getting out of there alive. You can kill dust monsters before they reach the statue, but dust will respawn. The second option is to use invincible frame(i-frame) ability to evade the shout without taking any damage.(more info...) As you learn to do that, its really easy. After you kill the statue you can advance in any of two rooms.
  6. Stage 3: This stage is really annoying and you can die if you are not paying attention. The only goal here is to kill all monsters until they stop respawning. Be careful about their throw away attack. Sometimes bigger dust monster spawns and pulls you in and tries to eat you, kill that fat ass.
  7. Stage 4: I love this stage! First you need to attack the annoying Knatos, be careful about that "laser attack" and the acid balls all around you. After you attack him he will summon the statue, however, statue can't recieve any damage until he steps into acid. To do that, you have to destroy the acid ball, lure statue onto it, and then attack, repeat that few times and you are done!

  8. Stage 5 [Difficult]: This boss has huge damage and you will need to be very careful to survive and kill him. When you see him, feel free to attack him, but when he starts charging it gets difficult! There are two ways of getting alive out of there:
    • Three or more players: There are three portals(circles) and each of 3 players has to move on it. If you are fast enough, boss gets stunned for few seconds. Do the same when he starts spinning, but be carefull, Spin HURTS!
    • Solo or Duo: Since you cant stun the boss using three portals, you will have to kill him very fast(before he kills you with his spin attack), or if you have max fury, you can use your Ultimate Fury skill(makes you invincible) and kill him without taking damage, use Max Fury when he says: "You are making me angry!" and use Ultimate fury when he is attacking you with Spin! Spin! Spin!. Remember, Spin HURTS!
  9. Final Stage: Bosses - Alvesia,Beetle,Balrok
    1. Alvesia is on her Beetle: Attack her until she falls from her Beetle.
    2. Alvesia is alone: She is alone only for a few moments, keep attacking her.
    3. Alvesia summons back her Beetle: Always attack Alvesia, Beetle has high defense and you dont need to kill him.
    4. Alvesia summons Balrok - "Come Back." and "Let me show you more.":
      Keep attacking Alvesia, the dragon will descend soon.
    5. Alvesia tells Balrok to "Descend and protect" her: As the dragon descends, be careful but still, keep attacking Alvesia.

    6. Balrok kills Alvesia - "Balrok, kill these fools!": Balrok uses his scythe to kill Alvesia who summoned him. He is your next target! Balrok has two forms.

  10. Congratulations, You did it! Make sure to pick all Soulshards and Spiritshards and ofcourse open the chest! Good luck!!!


  1. hi, you may want to consider N0. 1 in your post. Nice post. Will you make an Extreme Bardiel Step by Step? Hope my vid in forum can help you. BTW i'm FrostQueen in c9 forum.

  2. Thanks, I think I fixed it now. Yes I will, but atm I'm at work(night shift). I'll also add pictures to all my tutorials. I never finished Extreme Bardiel, but I can make for first three bosses. Thanks for feedback!

  3. Np, Hope you have more interesting post like this. It'll be nice with pics. Btw, you're from US sever? I'm SEA

    1. Im from EU server, im taking pictures now, uploading soon:)
